Metaverse: what should industrial IoT learn from the game industry

We will revise Metaverse with its pros & cons. What is relevant for industrial businesses?
  • Interconnectivity: artefacts transfer
  • Accessibility: easy interactions
  • Gamification: motivation for more involvement
  • Immersiveness: intensive experiences for more effectiveness
  • Avatars: better me
  • Collaboration: collective intelligence and community creativity
  • and more
But we should not forget, as with any new technologies, there are pitfalls and risks.

After a general discussion of the Metaverse, I will show an example of a playful prototyping of a shopfloor with IoT functionality, where we applied one type of the interface with a high potential for the Metaverse: conversational UI.


Grundkenntnisse über IoT.


Einführung und Übersicht über die Zukunft-Technologie mit einem Beispiel von Anwendung einer Chat-Bot-Schnittstelle für das kollaborative Prototyping.



Anjelika Votintseva
Anjelika Votintseva is a senior researcher at Siemens AG, department of UX Platforms and Prototypes. She currently manages technical development of the Generative Design Platform within the EU funded project iProduce.


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